
Discord Bug Reporting:

Join our vibrant and welcoming community on Discord, where you can interact with fellow adventurers, developers, and enthusiasts. To report a bug on Discord:

  • Navigate to the designated bug reporting channel: #bugs
  • Describe the issue in detail, including the steps to reproduce it, if possible. Clear and concise information helps our developers understand the problem better.
  • If applicable, provide screenshots or videos of the bug. Visual evidence aids in identifying and resolving the issue swiftly.
  • Be patient and cooperative. Our team will work diligently to address the reported bug and keep you updated on its status.

Bug Report Form:

We offer a Bug Report Form, specially designed to capture essential details about the bug you encountered. To report a bug using the Bug Report Form:

  • Scroll down to Contact
  • Fill out the form with accurate information, including a comprehensive description of the bug, its impact on your gameplay, and any relevant steps to reproduce it.
  • Include your game version and any other relevant details that might aid our team in investigating and resolving the bug.
  • Submit the form, and rest assured that your report will be carefully reviewed and addressed by our development team.

Remember, your bug reports are invaluable to us and play a significant role in enhancing Traveler's gaming experience for everyone. We appreciate your dedication to helping us create a fantastic and seamless adventure in the world of Traveler!

Thank you for being an essential part of our gaming community. Happy exploring, and may your travels in Traveler be filled with excitement and wonder!